DPW Elementary was built in 1965. Dr. Preston L. Williams, Jr. Elementary School was formerly named Prairie Elementary School. In the 2015-2016 school year, the name of the school was changed to Dr. Preston L. Williams, Jr. Elementary School, in honor of our school district’s First African-American Superintendent, an Urbana School District #116 retired teacher, coach, and school administrator. DPW Elementary has n on site After School Child Care Program that provides child care from 3:00-6:00 p.m. daily.
Family Engagement at DPW Elementary
Dr. Williams’ students, staff and parents believe in the importance of working together to support student success and academic achievement. Parent/family activities and events are purposely scheduled at different times of the day to encourage attendance and enable parents to participate actively in their children’s education. There are many opportunities for parents to be involved and learn about Dr. Williams Elementary School whether through our volunteer program or open door classroom policy. Please contact our school to learn about great opportunities like Back to School Night, Family Engagement Day, Curriculum Open House and more!
DPW Elementary School Goals
Literacy Goal
As of May 2023, 50 out of 251 students (20%) in 1st through 5th grade met their growth projection in the area of English Reading. As of May 2023, 20 out of 132 students (15%) in the 1st through 5th grade met their growth projection in the area of Spanish Reading.
By May 2024, 35% of students will meet their growth projection in the area of English Reading and 30% of students will meet their growth projection in Spanish Reading.
- As a School– Staff will implement balanced literacy with fidelity. Staff will conduct monthly reading assessments to document student progress. Staff will continue to challenge and engage students who are already reading at or above grade level.
- As a Parent– Families will be invited into the classrooms for literacy activities during the school day. Families will be invited to engage their readers in literacy tasks throughout the year using literacy tips in bi-monthly newsletters. They will provide examples of how to talk to students about books, helpful questions to ask after your child has finished reading a book, etc.
- As a Student– Students will read for approximately twenty minutes four nights per week. Students will record the book they are reading and the amount of time they spent reading the book each night. Students will be celebrated for completing their monthly reading log through special recognitions.
Math Goal
As of May 2023, 64 out of 311 students (21%) in 1st through 5th grade met their growth projection in the area of Mathematics. By May 2024, 40% of students will meet their growth projection in the area of Math.
- As a School– Staff will provide students opportunities to practice math fluency and computation practice using daily math practice, flash cards and/or the use of online programs to support math fluency and computation. Staff will send math home connections sheets home to share the classroom math activities with parents.
- As a Parent– Families will be invited to a family engagement math night that will provide families with resources and strategies to support their child’s math computation and fluency. Parents will receive math tip sheets providing examples and ways to support mathematical reasoning within each unit at home. Families will be invited to share what they need in order to support their child at home.
- As a Student– Students will gain confidence and fluency in their math computation skills based on the standards for their grade level between the Fall and Spring Benchmarks.
Social Emotional Learning Goal
By integrating Social Emotional Learning and Zones of Regulation into schoolwide practices and instruction, we will teach skills and facilitate opportunities for students to contribute to positive change. By the Spring of 2024, the results of the Panorama school climate survey, administered to 3rd-5th grade students will demonstrate a 10% increase from 45% in May 2023 to 55% of students reporting they remained calm even when someone is bothering them. Panorama school climate survey will demonstrate a 13% increase of 57% to 70% of students who are able to clearly describe their feelings.
- As a School– Staff will understand and be able to apply trauma-informed practices to instructional practices as well as interactions with students. Staff will participate in professional development focused on trauma-informed practices and becoming a trauma-informed school.
- As a Parent-Families will be invited to an event focused on Social Emotional Learning at school. Resources will be provided to parents during the event illustrating how to support students’ social emotional learning at home. Families will be invited to the school to attend training on trauma-informed practices and supporting a trauma-informed school. Families will be asked to complete the Panorama survey throughout the school year in order to provide input into areas of focus for the school staff.
- As a Student-Students will continue to utilize appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools from our daily social emotional learning instruction. Students will participate in setting personal goals, monitoring their own progress and making adjustments to their goals throughout the school year.

Dr. Preston L. Williams, Jr. Elementary
2102 E Washington St
Urbana, IL 61802
(217) 384-3628